Once the transition is made, a health care practitioner remains on call 24/7, as needed, to come to your home to provide necessary support, care and technology. We are a team of qualified, caring professionals armed with the technology to provide comprehensive health services. If you need our services, information on programs, or employment opportunities, call us at 203-375-5871 or email us.
If you or a family member are discharged from the hospital, ask that the “Stratford VNA” be contacted for required home follow-up or call us directly, 203-375-5871.
The Stratford Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) Achieved an overall score that rated in the top 20% in the SHP national HHCAHPS benchmark and soaring above the SHP national average for each HHCAHPS quality measure as measured from the patient’s point of view. 07/14/2020
At the Stratford VNA, we practice “Technology with Touch.” This means we combine Mobile Health Technology (MHT) with personal care. With MHT we offer high-tech support right at home. At the same time, we know that technology—no matter how advanced—can not take the place of experienced, caring health specialists whose only goal is to assist in the patient’s successful recovery.