“My view is that the ultimate destination of all nursing is the nursing of the sick in their own homes.” Florence Nightingale
The Nightingale Award for Excellence in Nursing program was started in 2001, created by the Visiting Nurse Association of South Central Connecticut. It was designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding nurses within all health care settings. The Stratford VNA has had several nurses recognized with this prestigious award.

2008- Jill Bouvier
Jill Bouvier, RN, BA, is our Nightingale Award recipient for 2008, and with good reason. Jill is known as the “Flash Gordon” of our agency. In the morning, she can be seen zipping through the office in her speed-walking style depositing paperwork and retrieving charts before leaving to visit patients. She is extremely competent in her nursing skills, and brings her positive energy into her patient care. Jill embraces the challenges of homecare—working in a patient-controlled environment, travel, weather issues, mounds of seemingly endless paperwork, dealing with family members and doctors, etc. Yet, Jill thrives in this environment. Jill is also a role model to others, always working with grace, compassion and humility. She has a challenging schedule, yet willingly mentors nursing students and assists in the orientation of new staff nurses. She has been a primary care nurse with us for nearly ten years, and is a positive influence on the morale of both her supervisors and coworkers. This positive influence extends to her patients as well as is evidenced by the many positive comments we receive from satisfied patients and families. Jill is by no means an average employee, and we are truly honored to have her as a member of our staff. Congratulations Jill on receiving this much-deserved award!

2005- Jo Morrison
Affectionately called “Jo,” she worked as a per diem registered nurse for the Stratford VNA treating patients with very complex psychiatric and medical needs for six years before retiring in 2005. Jo often went above and beyond the call of duty, and put her heart and soul into her work.

2004- Marty Mautte (co-winner)
Patients and staff often describe Marty as one of the most caring nurses they have ever had the pleasure of working with. Truly a selfless and gracious person, she always sought what was right for the patient and set a modest example for staff. She worked for the Stratford VNA for eleven years before retiring in 2007.

2004- Anita Vigeant (co-winner)
Anita has been a full time primary care nurse with the agency since 1995. She is caring, compassionate and willingly takes new staff under her wing and mentors them. She has mastered the art of working with patients and families in a calm, effective manner and she is an excellent example to coworkers, nursing students and the public.